Hard to believe it is almost a week since Christmas Day. After so much hype, so much shopping and preparation it's over for another year.
We spent Christmas Day at our new home. Just me, Richard and Murphy and it was perfect. Last year we had our first Christmas together as a family and spent Christmas Eve talking about all the traditions we had as kids and how we wanted our first Christmas to be and from that we have made our own traditional Christmas Day.
This year we woke up at around 9am and chilled out in bed for a while before I went downstairs, made tea and of course got mine and Richards stockings that had been hanging on the stairs. We then took it in turns to each open a present which really did make the magic last. Murphy helped too by shredding the paper into hundreds of pieces all over the bed.

We both got changed into our tacky Christmas jumpers and decided against the fry up we had planned- my thoughts were that it was a little too late to be having a filling fry up bare in mind we had a big Christmas lunch planner. Richards thoughts? Presents, presents, presents! So we sat down and decided to let Murphy open his presents first from his stocking so that he could play with his news toys and leave us to open ours. Murphy was particularly lucky this year as he not only received presents from us but Richards Mum and my parents who have rather taken a liking to him. He was immediately taken by my parents gift of a great bug rawhide bone, so much so that he refused to open any of his other presents and we were well and truly left in peace for the morning.

Again we took it in turns to open our presents, something my family have always done and it's something I feel strongly about. The number of people I know that open the presents separate to their family is in my mind, madness! I love seeing people's reactions and getting a chance to see what they have and from who. I also think it makes the gift giving experience last an awful lot longer, in fact we didn't finish opening our presents for a good two hours after we first came downstairs.

We did a quick tidy up so that Murphy didn't slip over anymore wrapping paper and so that the table was clear for Richard to make his lego models and then for me to make it pretty for our Christmas lunch, another tradition we have.
I had spent a lot of Christmas Eve making and preparing the food for the day including a huge dish of tiramisu. Our Christmas dinner consisted of a turkey crown, Brussels, carrots, roast parsnips, herby roast potatoes, stuffing and of course pigs in blankets. I made the mistake last year of making far too much food for the two of us (three if you include Murphy's mini dinner) so I tried desperately hard not to make the same mistake. I failed. Although there wasn't as much left over there was enough to feed at least two more people which really does show how hard it is to cook a meal for two when it involves so many essential items.

Full of food and drink we made our way over to the sofa and spent the rest of our day watching some of the many Christmas recordings we had as well as starting some of the Christmas DVDs we had received along with some munchy Christmas food. There really is nothing like cuddling up on the sofa with my two favourite boys on what is the best day of the year.

We were overwhelmed by just how many gifts we received this year and feel truly blessed, if not a little spoilt. Roll on next years festivities...