We managed to do the decorating- the tree, the lights, the tinsel, the lot for about £30 with not a bit of tack in sight! So with that in mind I thought I would share with you the best deals around and how to keep Christmas not only cheap but cheerful too!

Now the tree can often be one of the most important and expensive parts of Christmas when decorating the home. Fortunately we found a bargain at our newly opened The Range store last year and picked up a 5ft tree for a tenner! We pulled it out again this year and it's still in great shape. As much as I would have loved to have had a real tree just as my parents have always had it is slightly on the pricey side and we also have the concern of Murphy eating it! This was my first ever artificial tree and I'm thrilled with it. None of the needles have fallen off unlike many of my friends trees, it is easy to put together (not to mention hide away) and is really adaptable in terms of its shape. I have found a similar tree (if not identical) for less than £18 which will certainly last for years to come and is a worthwhile investment in my eyes.

Once you have the tree it's time to decide on a theme. Last year we chose the classic red and gold theme to fit in with our front room colours and it is something we have stuck with this year. We found this great chunky tinsel in The Range last year but it is available in B&M as well at the bargain price of 99p or 4 for £3! It is great quality for money and so far none of it has decided to shred all over the carpet. We chose five bits in total and they wrap around our tree perfectly and show no signs of wearing out any time soon.
Next it's time to think of the lights! Now if I'm honest this was the part I was looking forward to the least simply because I had it in my head that they would be very expensive and confusing. There are so many different styles, colours and speeds available it can be slightly overwhelming and I was convinced these would be more expensive than the tree! So we were so pleased to find some budget lights in The Range last year for £4.99. We purchased two sets and they fit around our tree perfectly! They are available again this year too so go grab yourself a bargain. Fancy something more fancy? Why not get these chaser lights from B&M for less than £8? I also treated myself (and my kitchen) to some more lights this year for the bargain price of £2.50! These are currently around my tiny kitchen window filling the room with colourful light and reassuring our neighbours we aren't Scrooges after all!

There are a massive selection of baubles on offer now and as much as I love inididual pieces you can't beat a bulk buy. Last year we bought a whole tube of gold, red and green baubles for less than £3 which covered our whole tree. Once again B&M and The Range offer some great deals with bauble sets for as little as £1.99 for as many as 49! Fancy more unique pieces? Why not make your own out of salt dough? I made two last year with mine and Richards initials on them and this year I may even make a paw print decoration for Murphy. I also love the reindeer and snowman decorations from B&M and will certainly have be adding them to the collection of individual items on our tree such as the crowns and signs.

When it comes to decorating the home you can't just stop at the tree. It's so much more than that now. I love these little reindeer and will certainly be getting this one from B&M for the front room. If you fancy something a little bit more robust why not get this reindeer from The Range for £14.99 which would look lovely in a porch to welcome your guests. Christmas sacks are really big this year and are much nicer than the tacky old gift bags and at £1 you can't deny this Santa sack is fantastic quality for money! Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a stocking which is a tradition I have introduced to Richard and Murphy. We now all have one and fill it with lots of goodies to open in bed on Christmas morning. B&M have a selection of lovely stocking for £1.99 including this lovely Father Christmas design.
So there are some of the great deals out there for a cheap and cheerful Christmas. If you still don't believe it can be done here are some pictures of how my house is kitted out for Christmas, with not a bit of tack in sight!

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