Well a week ago I didn't know either! I was riffling through my recipe box that is full of torn out magazine articles when I stumbled upon this recipe. It was one I had pulled out in last months issue of Asda Magazine which I have previously reviewed here. I pulled the recipe out of the box and was immediately struck by how delicious it looked. I do love a good picture on a recipe and often find I can't fully trust one without an image. I wrote down the list of ingredients I needed (which admittedly was very little thanks to my trusty baking cupboard) and kept the little article to one side.
I finally made this delicious creation on Sunday and I am so glad I did. In fact I was so happy with it and had so much interest on my Instagram that I just had to share it!
So what is a Townie? Well it is a combination of a tart and a brownie in one delicious pudding and here is how you too can make it...
- A sweet pastry case (or if you are super at making pastry you can make your own from scratch)
For the treacle base:
- 1 egg
- 50g brown sugar
- 75g golden syrup
- 15g melted butter
- 100g roughly chopped walnuts or pecans.
For the brownie topping:
- 175g milk chocolate
- 85g butter
- 50g sugar
- 2 eggs
- 50g plain flour
- Icing sugar (to decorate)
1. To start you need to make the treacle base for the case. Lightly beat your egg with a fork and then add the brown sugar, golden syrup and melted butter, beating together until just combined.
2. Spread this mixture over your pastry base.
3. On the top of this mixture sprinkle over your roughly chopped nuts.
4. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes although if it is still as wobbly as my mixture was cook it for a bit longer. I allowed mine to cool on the side before letting it chill in the fridge to set.
5. Next you need to make the brownie topping. For this you will need to melt the chocolate and butter together.
6. In a separate bowl, whisk together the sugar and eggs until they are foamy.
7. Stir in the melted chocolate to your other mixture along with the flour and mix together until you form a smooth brownie mix.
8. Allow the brownie mix to cool before spreading over your treacle base.
9. Bake your Townie in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until it is firm on the outside and gooey on the inside, as brownies should be.
10. Decorate the top with icing sugar.

And there you have it. Your very own Townie, which might I add is great served with some cream!
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