Last weekend my Grandma came to visit my new pad and brought with her a whole host of things she had got for only a £1 at her local auction. Amongst mugs and a pestle and mortar she also had this dip platter which I immediately seized the chance of owning. I knew that although it looked a little sad and dated I could make it into something much better and far more modern.

A couple of hours later I had ordered my Chalkboard Paint from eBay for the bargain price of £4. That was all I needed to upcycle this piece. I was eager to get started and was relieved the paint arrived a couple of days later.

I cleaned each piece and applied a base layer of chalkboard paint. This particular paint is specifically for china and after three or four layers was perfectly covered. I baked it in the oven at 150 degrees for 35 minutes and voila! It was ready. Another great thing about this paint is once baked it is dishwasher proof so pretty much anything can be put in there!

I am yet to write anything on the dishes simply because I wanted to marvel at how good it looks in solid black but at Christmas or when we have our next set of guests over (I'm looking at you Mum and Dad) I will definitely be scrawling all over these bad boys.
The very best part of this is it was an absolute budget upcycle and I still have over half a pot of chalkboard paint left. I am now desperately looking round for what else I can cover in this amazing paint so keep your eyes peeled...
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