So one of my goals for the New Year was to try and make our new house into a home. We have started to decorate and add our own things but there is still plenty to get on with and I am keen to make a start. If I had it my way we would be decorating every weekend but other commitments get in the way as does procrastination.
Now that Christmas, New Year and the mad rush of the sales has pretty much gone I decided to start scouring the internet for all the new and old homeware on offer and made a list of all the things I would like to do this year in the home. My main concern is the spare room which is now a study, lounge, storage facility and laundry room which although convenient is also a huge waste of space and also a bit of an eyesore. As the weather changes I want to move my focus from the inside to the outside and start making what is currently Murphy's playground into a relaxing space for Richard and I to sit and enjoy after a long weeks work. So what have I found to inspire me into getting into action?

It's safe to say I'm in love with a sign or two and love hanging things up all around our new home. We still however have a lot of 'gaps' that I'm keen to fill. I always look at H&M homeware because they have some lovely themes and there is always a sale on. This chalkboard is a new arrival and I think it would look great in our spare room above the desk. I also love rabbits and this sign by Sass & Belle is great fun. You can never have enough 'home sweet home' script and I really love this cute little sign. Last year I painted a feature wall where our headboard is but it still feels like it needs something more here so I'm looking into wall decals. There are hundreds available and although I am still early in my search I think this one is really romantic and would fit the gap perfectly. I also think we need more photos up seen as I take so many so I am a big fan if these frames. I like the idea that you can change the pictures really easily in this clip frame. I also like the different styles in this multi frame too and the fact it fits in with the shabby chic style I love. I have also still got my eye on this block calendar which I'm certain I've blogged about before. It is now reduced in price which is the perfect excuse to show it to you again and maybe even make a cheeky purchase.

As I've already mentioned our spare room is a bit of a storage nightmare at the minute. When we moved in we (or rather Richard) ventured into the loft and stored away lots of the things we didn't need out but couldn't bare to throw away. However we still have boxes of things that were too heavy to lift into the loft (my box of childhood books for example), a computer that Richard swore to me he was going to sell to a guy at work (four months later and it's still here), my crafting supplies and boxes of Richards things he is yet to find a 'home' for. All in all it's a big mess. When we get round to sorting it I want to have a big storage unit for all of our 'stuff' to go in. I do like IKEA's storage units but hate the hassle that is involved in getting to our local store, attempting to find a parking space that isn't miles away, navigating our way round and then dragging it all home again. eBay can be a great place to find furniture bargains and I particularly like this unit that you can add shelves to I. Order to make one big piece. I think I would get some attractive boxes to hide all my scrapbook supplies and then display some of my favourite books in the other holes. I haven't quite decided on the colour scheme in the spare room but I may take inspiration from these gorgeous storage boxes from The Range. I think these would be great to have out on display in the spare room, even as a foot rest with our armchair and they'd do a great job of hiding Richards junk! Finally a fairly boring but essential item for us- underbed storage. Although we have great fitted wardrobes we don't have any drawers which means our knick-knacks and socks are chucked in the bottom of the wardrobe and it makes getting dressed in the morning a bit of an operation. These boxes would solve all of our problems and can be hidden out of sight and free up room in the wardrobe for our shoes. Perfect.

At our old house even though we had a big garden we rarely used it other than to chase the dog, tackle the weeds and enjoy a BBQ every now and again. We only had the disposable BBQs and I was desperate for the real thing. I've found this really cute once from The Range and I'm sure if I shop around I'll be able to find it even cheaper but I just love the colour and think it's the perfect size for our small garden. I'm also keen to get a fire pit (I'm obsessed honestly) and this one will definitely do the job for those evenings outside. We also need new doormats for the entrance and patio doors. Murphy loves to go out in the rain, walk through muddy puddles and then splash all of this up the white ledge into the house so I think the wipe your feet mat is perfect. We were left with a doormat for the entrance but it is certainly worse for wear and this would be the perfect greeting for our visitors.
So there you have it. My finds for the new year and hopefully a new home.
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