It's that time of year again when everyone vows to change something about themselves that has naturally caused the previous year to go down the pan. Most people state that they will eat healthier, go to the gym more, quit smoking and other such good deeds. I however stopped making 'resolutions' some time ago. I too used to make commitments such as to stop biting my nails and to exercise more. Both failed, year and year again.
So about three years ago I made a different commitment- to stop making resolutions but to instead set myself 'goals' for the year to make sure I was happy, rather than guilt tripping myself into thinking I was any less of a person than the next. Since then I have achieved my 'bucket list' if you owl and have found my self eager to do more. Now I am sure you are wondering how goals are any different to resolutions but I can assure you they are. People make resolutions with the belief that they are achievable or will change them, even make them happy without really taking into consideration what they are. The goals I set myself truly are for the whole year and take into account my current situation and are purely for my own development and well being.
So what were my goals? I've made goals such as wanting to finish my apprenticeship, successfully get a job in my field of interest, pass my driving test, move out of my family home, cook more meals from scratch, find more time to see those that mean most to me and visit more new places. I can honestly sit back each new year, look at my list and say that I have achieved them all which is a very satisfying feeling indeed.
Last January I wrote the following goals...
- To save more money.
I can honestly say that Richard and I tried really hard with this. We had a number of money jars around our old home and we were even given a savings jar to put all of our pennies in. We were religious about putting any loose change in the pot and we would even put the odd note in here and there. When we emptied it in August, it was almost full to the top and we had over £40 in there which we used to pay for one of our more expensive food shops at a time when money was tight. We now have a new jar and continue to fill it with change.
- Take more trips together.
- Find more time to be a 'couple'.
These two are actually ones we find quite challenging simply because of time and money. We spent all week working, weekends are equally as hectic and we have the added annoyance of paying the bills. However we managed to go to Wales for a few days, took a trip to Watford, wandered hand in hand around Ashridge and have also been to a lot of rugby games while we have the chance. Just because we are young and in love doesn't necessarily mean you have all the time in the world together and actually sometimes life takes over.
- Make use of all those recipes and cook exciting meals.
Since moving out and making not only one house and home but now two it has been hard to justify spending a lot of money on interesting meals and pricey ingredients. Sometimes it's easy to just settle for a pound jar of sauce and some pasta just to save some cash. I was in the habit of collecting lots of recipes from magazines and books and doing nothing with them. I made a change however and have tried a number of new recipes that have certainly pleased Richard as well as our guests and my colleagues.
- Make an effort to stay in shape rather than take it for granted.
Probably a bizarre goal to many who know my build but it is one that I feel strongly about. The previous year I got into the regime of completing a number of workouts daily and could visibly see the difference in terms of toning. However in amongst the move and work I lost track of this and was keen to get back into it. As well as eating better (i.e: not skipping breakfast and cooking from scratch a lot more) I also found time to do some exercise while I was off for the summer and during half terms. A small change but one that made me feel better.
- Move on from School Walk.
This was the one goal I was most keen to achieve and I can't quite believe we have done it. We always wanted to have a place that was truly our own without the aid of family but it always seemed so far away. But fortunately with the right motivation (however awful it may have felt or seemed at the time) we took a bad situation and made it into an amazing opportunity to move on from a house that wasn't right for us to where we are now. No matter how tight money gets or how many things we have to turn down based on our situation we can look around, content that we made the right move.
So what does 2015 hold for me?
I have say down, scratched my head and thought a lot about where we are now and where I would like to be and to be honest other than the obvious "I'd like more money please", I can't think of much else which can only be a good thing and prove this yearly goal thing ain't half bad. Here are my goals for this year...
- Keep saving the pennies.
- Continue taking trips and exploring the area.
- Make Swan Mead a 'home' not just a 'house'.
- Cherish your time with Murphy.
- Try to blog as regularly as possible.
- Go away for our give year anniversary (it is half a decade after all).
What are your goals for 2015?
Remember, the year is what you make it.

Here's my year summed up in Instagram snaps courtesy of Flipagram.
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