Saturday, 19 April 2014

Where there's leftovers, there's a way...

I am from a generation of women who despise waste. 

I have been seen to knowingly eat mouldy crumpets just so I didn't have to bin them. Just last night I ate three pieces of steak and Richard's portion of chips as well as my own meal just so I didn't waste money. 

I really am awful. I just can't help myself and when you have been brought up by a woman who is well known for using one chicken to make enough meals for a week, you can understand just where I get it from (we also like to dress the same but that's a whole other kettle of fish...)

On days like today I like to remember my Great Grandmother who was Queen of the Recyclers. She could find a use for just about anything and if not at that moment, she would certainly keep it for another day, which is something my family found out when sorting through her belongings. 

Naturally she was from a time and generation where there really could be no wastage and it was all about 'Make do and Mend', something I have total respect for and feel wouldn't go miss in this day and age. For my Mum it is all about making a little go a long way and with having five mouths to feed you can hardly blame her. As for me? Well, I am just skint.

So today on this warm Spring day I decided to make use of some of the odds and ends I had in my fridge and freezer, solely so I didn't have to throw out a carton of custard I had half consumed. Sure I could have just downed it and saved the hassle of cooking something to accompany it, but I felt as though I owed it to these fine women in my life to make something more out of it. So I looked around and found the following...

Despite going shopping yesterday my fridge really is a sorry sight. I had a box of raspberries, a block of puff pastry and some apples I had defrosted that my Mum had given to me, which had been picked by my Dad some time ago. For me nothing beats a good homemade pie, dashed with imperfections but full of flavour. All it took was a quick stir of the fruit in a bowl, a bit of muscle when rolling out the pastry, some creativity and there before me was a delicious pie.

But my job wasn't done. I had leftover pastry. A lot of leftover pastry. Such a dilemma. Throwing it away would almost be as devastating as discarding the carton of custard. Fortunately for me Mumma Rust had given me two pots of mincemeat last year and although some of it had been used for the delicious mince pies, I still had a jar left. This then created my mincemeat tart which is equally as delicious with cold custard as a slice of pie is.

I like to think I have made the women of my family proud today, although I'm sure my Great Grandma is looking down on me and thinking "I could have used that leftover flour you used for dusting to make a most excellent crumble topping". 

Well I still have a lot to learn and a lot to live up to...

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